Our Strengths Progress Management System

Complete Progress Management System

In our company, in order to promote enrollment of patients, the CRC in charge of each clinical site formulates an "Enrollment Plan" (study enrollment plan) for each study (project), and a "Project Promotion Manager" is assigned to each branch office to manage the progress of the Enrollment Plan. In addition, a specialized department (Project Promotion Department) has been established at the head office to monitor the progress of enrollment at all clinical sites and take necessary measures.
During the enrollment period, or also when the enrollment is delayed, the CRC in charge promptly works with the project promotion manager and the "project promotion staff" of the project promotion department at the head office to take various measures to facilitate the enrollment and ensure smooth progress.

Our System and Approach to Promote Patient Enrollment

Progress Management System図

EP-Link’s Progress Management

  • 01

    Enrollment planning
    (Highly accurate clinical trial enrollment plan)

  • 02

    Adjustment of enrollment
    promotion based on the characteristics
    of the study

  • 03

    Periodic progress reports
    to the sponsor

  • 04

    Progress checking
    using internal systems
    (Visualized progress)

  • 05

    Discussion Case
    study of successes
    and deviations(Company-wide measures to promote subject enrollment)

  • 06

    "Final Stage Management"
    in the second half
    of the enrollmentperiod

  • 07

    Use of Patient LINK
    (Patient referrals from other hospitals)

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